How to Parallel park an Axopar 37
Dan Jones takes us through the exact instructions for how to parallel park an Axopar 37. He demonstrates this doing a touch and go on the fuel wharf using Aft to Side Slip, utilising the bow thruster and the engines.
Welcome to the Eyachts How To Series… Here we show you how to best use your boat. Whether you own an Axopar, Greenline or Sealine or are thinking about a purchase this is the best play to find out everything you are itching to know…

Aft to Side Slip Parallel Park
Ensure your bow thrusters are already on.
Come in at a tight angle along side the dock.
Hook the wheel to the left/ right (away from dock), opposite engine in gear to keep the boat moving.
Bring boat parallel to the dock and a bit past where you want to go.
Once past the dock, hook wheel to the left/ right and click in reverse.
With one engine and a bit of bow thruster, continually modify.
Keep an eye on the final destination.
It is as easy as that!

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